# Writing and posting blogs

As a member of AG, you will have the opportunity to showcase your writing skills. You can share your knowledge and ideas over beautifully crafted blogs that reach millions. Our blog topics include:

  1. Feature updates and walkthrough
  2. Product reviews
  3. Tips for smart business growth
  4. New SaaS worth integrating
  5. Tips for smart remote working
  6. Steps to build tech features
  7. Industry trends
  8. Technology insights

# How to write blogs

The first thing you should do before you start writing a blog is to read what others have written about similar topics. It will give you a broader scope and better results.

When you feel you are ready to write, just follow the below steps:

  1. Create a word document (preferably online)
  2. Write in a hierarchical manner (Heading > Sub-Heading > Sub Sub-Heading)
  3. Place site links wherever needed
  4. Upload any images for the blog to a drive folder
  5. Add images or image links in your content
  6. Share the word document and drive folder with the team for posting

# How to post blogs

Posting blogs in the platform is as easy as reading this blog. Aside from posting your own blogs, you may occasionally help other content writers by posting theirs.

Have everything like the content (word document) and the blog images at place and then follow the simple steps involved for posting:

# The code-based method of posting

  1. Navigate to the content/blog folder at the root of the project.
  2. Create a new markdown file with the blog name, for example building-your-first-form-with-formester.md
  3. At the top of the file, Add meta data for the blog as per the format:
title: Building your first form with formester
description: Different approaches to building web forms with formester
author: Piyush Singhania
coverImg: /img/formester-form-builder-background.png
coverImgAlt: Cover image for the blog, "Building your first form with formester"
featured: false
published: true
createdAt: '2022-05-10'
  1. Also, Navigate to the static/img folder at the root of the project.
  2. Make sure all blog images are added here.
    • When using screenshots, use Pika.style (opens new window) to make them look good
    • Utilize the Image Compressor (opens new window) tool to efficiently compress a large number of images without any loss in quality.
    • Please use the format blog-name__image-name for image names, such as building-your-first-form-with-formester__formester-form-builder-background-cover
  3. The cover image should not be svg and should not exceed 300 kb in size.
    As a result, image previews will appear on all platforms when sharing the blog link.
  4. Follow markdown syntax (opens new window) to add your content and images to the file.
  5. Make sure you add proper title and alt texts for the images and links.
  6. By default the page contains a Call To Action Section (opens new window), optionally you can update the title and button text just by adding some more meta data:
  hidden: true
  heading: Ready to dive in?
  subheading: Register with us Now.
  btnPrimary: Sign Up
  btnSecondary: Contact Us
  btnPrimaryLink: https://app.formester.com/users/sign_up
  btnSecondaryLink: /contact
  1. Commit and push the changes as per the git conventions.

TIP: checkout the previous blog files to understand the pattern

# The UI-based method of posting

UI-based approaches are a good choice for content writers and marketing team members.

  1. Navigate to https://formester.com/admin and login with your credentials.
  2. Click on the New Blog button to post a blog.
  3. Add a title, description, and other required fields for the blog.
    • Fill out the description box with the opening paragraph
  4. The cover image should not be svg and should not exceed 300 kb in size.
    As a result, image previews will appear on all platforms when sharing the blog link.
  5. Use the text editor and tools to add the blog's content in the body section.
  6. If you are adding images to your blog, be sure to follow these instructions.
    • When using screenshots, use Pika.style (opens new window) to make them look good
    • Utilize the Image Compressor (opens new window) tool to efficiently compress a large number of images without any loss in quality.
    • Please use the format blog-name__image-name for image names, such as building-your-first-form-with-formester__formester-form-builder-background-cover
  7. Make sure you add proper title and alt texts for the images and links.
  8. As soon as you have finished editing and are satisfied with the content, click on Publish and choose your desired option to publish your blog.
  9. Additionally, you can mark blogs as drafts by disabling the PUBLISHED button.

TIP: checkout the previous blog files to understand the pattern