# Top skills to learn to excel
We do not restrict ourself to any specific domain, framework or language but it's always faster to building things in the technologies we have a lot of experience with. There are a few technologies and some useful links you can check out to learn more.s
# Ruby
- Ruby Documentation (opens new window)
- Learn Ruby With The Edgecase (opens new window)
- Learn Ruby (opens new window)
- Ruby Programming (opens new window)
# Ruby on Rails
- Rubo on Rails Guide (opens new window)
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial (opens new window)
- Complete Ruby on Rails Course (opens new window)
# JavaScript
- Introduction to Javascript (opens new window)
- Getting Started With Javascript (opens new window)
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts (opens new window)
- Complete Javascript Course (opens new window)
# Vue.js
- Vue Documentation (opens new window)
- Vue JS 2 (opens new window)
- Beginner's guide to Vue 3 (opens new window)
- Complete Vue Course (opens new window)
# React.js
- React Documentation (opens new window)
- Modern React Tutorial (opens new window)
- Complete React Course (opens new window)