# Talking to clients and customers

Amazon is one of the company that we admire a lot and one thing they do very well is - customer success.

They ensure that a customer who does business with them leave happy, the go that extra mile in putting that smile on the face of the customer. I'm sure you have heard of numerous such stories from your friends and families.

And we want to do better. We want our customers to feel heard and cared for. Our work will speak for itself eventually but the first thing they must acknowledge is our brilliant customer service.

So you may ask what can you do as an individual to make this happen?

  1. Always polite and courteous - make sure to smile and greet whenever you have an interaction with any customers. It's a small act that will take you very far.
  2. Always acknowledge - when a customer reach out with a question or help. The worst possible thing is to defer it. Acknowledging that you have received the question and working on a response is the most important thing. If possible, get back to them in the shortest possible time. The lower the time we take, the higher the chance of customer happiness.
  3. Always do more - when a customer needs/asks something our goal should not only be to get him an answer as quickly as possible, but to get him an answer that's favorable for him. Show empathy to your customer and see where are they coming from and what can you do to genuinly help them. Some said it well, "Solve my pain points, and win me"
  4. Understand that you win when your customer win - there will be times when you are sure that you are absolutely right and the customer may not be right. You may let customer win. Only when the customer end up happy everything work.

P.S. - These are rules in general, there will be situtation when things go very hard. We belive in you to take the right decision on such moment and we'll stand with you on whatever you decide.

These are some ideas and we may keep adding more the this list but the core value is caring a lot about what the customer want. If we do just this one thing right everything else will automatically fall in place.